All posts by Martin Berry

My Workspace

On my personal page (see menu above) is a photo of me in my workspace taken a couple of years ago now. I thought it might be worth posting an up-to-date shot as things have changed a bit. This is my geek heaven where I spend probably too much of my time. It is my computer room from which I manage the network, this website and some other projects and my electronics lab – looking far cleaner and tidier than is normally the case!


This is a panorama shot of my workspace taken in March 2014. It shows, from left to right, Epson DX8400 all-in-one printer/scanner, Epson Photo R3000 A3+ photoprinter, HP Proliant Microserver (with monitor on top), HP Proliant ML110 G5, 27inch Apple iMac, Dell 27inch monitor. Above the Dell monitor is an Apple Airport Extreme WAP with 1TB backup drive on top, to the right of that is a Firebrick 2500 firewall/router, and to the right of that a Draytek Vigor 120 modem. Out of sight to the right is a HP LaserJet Pro 400 networked laser printer. Under the iMac are 2 3TB external drives, one is a backup drive for the iMac and the other holds my photographs. Also in the picture are some of my geek toys – an Angry Bird toy on top of the Microserver, a nice desk pencil sharpener on the front left of the desk, my genuine Anglepoise desklamp. On the far right is a mess of wires which is an ongoing electronics project connected to a RaspberryPi. Out of sight under the desk is another RaspberryPi that is my backup DNS and Mail server.